Inter Airport Europe Exhibition 2019

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Aljac Fuelling Components Limited will once again be exhibiting at the Inter Airport Europe exhibition in Germany.

Come and visit us at the Munich Trade Fair Center in Hall B6, Stand 464.

The exhibition runs from the 8th to the 11th of October 2019 and we would love to see you there!

For more info visit, or contact our Sales team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +44 (0) 1932 269869.


exhibition photo overview   exhibition photo couplings   exhibition photo front


We are pleased to announce that Aljac Fuelling Components has joined forces with the Elaflex group.  Starting July 1st 2019, Elaflex Hiby Tanktechnik, based in Hamburg, Germany has acquired a shareholding in Aljac Fuelling Components Limited.

 "This partnership takes Aljac to the next level of our development and will bring about a tremendous improvement in the global support of our product range", says Dave Smith, Managing Director of Aljac.  "The combined resources of Elaflex and Aljac will generate a lot of added value for our clients."

Stefan Kunter, Managing Director of Elaflex agrees: "Our product and customer structures complement each other well and brings together respected products in the fuel handling world.  This allows us to further expand our expertise for the benefit of our customers.  Equally important, both our companies share similar values and goals.  We are a committed partner to our customers and constantly improve our premium quality approach."

Elaflex partnersAljac will continue to operate as an independent company with no staff changes, and with Dave Smith, Helen Smith and Andy Walton continuing as Aljac's directors.  Existing distribution arrangements will remain unchanged.

The Aljac management team states, “There will be very few changes, and they will only be to the benefit of our customers.  We are very excited about the future development possibilities for Aljac and the opportunities that being part of the Elaflex group will bring.  We look forward to offering our customers an even wider product range in the future”.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to discuss the changes with you.


March 2015. We are pleased to announce that Aljac Fuelling Components Limited has been appointed as the exclusive master distributor for Eaton's Carter range of ground fuelling equipment in the following regions:



Middle East

With immediate effect, Aljac Fuelling Components will therefore assume responsibility for the sales, marketing and front line customer support of Eaton Carter ground fuelling equipment in the above mentioned regions. If you would like to see the manufacturer’s confirmation you can access the Eaton announcement letter using this link:-

As you may be aware, Eaton Carter have a long established reputation as the market leader in ground fuelling equipment, so we are very excited about this opportunity to add their equipment range to our already extensive product portfolio, and we are proud to have become an Eaton Authorised Distributor. We will be holding a large and comprehensive stock in order to improve lead times, and we are expecting our first stock order to be delivered in approximately 1 week.

We look forward to discussing the Eaton Carter range personally with you, and details of the Eaton Carter range will be available in the near future on our website If you have any sales enquiries for Eaton Carter equipment or you have any specific questions about the Eaton Carter products or our new venture please do not hesitate to contact one our Sales team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on +44 (0) 1932 269869. We will be delighted to hear from you, as always.


continuity tester

JIG ISSUE 11 requires that ‘All electrical bonding wires including clips and reels shall be checked weekly for electrical continuity (there shall be less than 25 Ohms resistance) between the bonding wire clip and vehicle chassis. Electrical continuity should be checked over several revolutions of the reel while unreeling or reeling in the bonding wire slowly.’

You may think that you are compliant but ask yourself the following questions:-





If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you should seriously consider our new Aljac Continuity Tester (ACT). It is fully compliant with JIG and has the following advantages...

ADVANCED MICROPROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY: The ACT uses a state of the art microprocessor which allows it to out perform multi meters, resistance meters and existing GO / NO GO testers. The microprocessor offers an extended battery life.

DYNAMIC CHECKING OF BONDING REELS: The ACT checks the bonding reel 200 times per second so it reacts quickly enough to detect worn slip rings or defective bonding reel bearings. Multi meters or resistance meters DO NOT react quickly enough to detect such faults.

ATEX CERTIFIED FOR ZONE 1 OR ZONE 2 HAZARDOUS AREA USE: The ACT is fully approved and certified for use in hazardous areas.

SELF TESTS AND CALIBRATES BEFORE EVERY BONDING REEL CHECK: The ACT checks it’s battery power and recalibrates itself before EVERY test, so you know that it is accurate and calibrated EVERY time you use it.

SIMPLE TO OPERATE, AUTO SWITCH ON/OFF: The ACT is designed to be used by operators, not electrical technicians. It switches on and off fully automatically to save battery power.

GO / NO GO CONTINUITY CHECK: The ACT has a GO / NO GO design for easy interpretation. Standard set point is 25 Ohms (as specified by JIG), but alternative set points can be programmed into the software

DIGITAL RESISTANCE DISPLAY: The ACT displays the actual system resistance.

ROBUST AND IMPACT RESISTANT: The ACT has a robust Polyamide housing and has been drop tested as part of the approval process.

COMPACT, LIGHTWEIGHT, PORTABLE: The ACT measures 40mm diameter by 172mm long and is ergonomically designed to be held in the hand. It weighs only 180 grams.

ANCILLIARY ITEMS: Please contact our Sales Department for bonding reels (hand or spring rewind), bonding cable, bonding clips, bonding lugs, NATO bonding plugs, bonding clip break away joints, and drum bonding clamps. We are also happy to advise you on the selection and operation of static bonding equipment and systems.

For further information, visit the Bonding & Earthing section within the Products page of our website, or contact our Sales team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +44 (0) 1932 269869. 


Deadman Protection SystemA new JIG bulletin has been released regarding Filter Differential Pressure Switches and Protection Systems and Bulletin 58 states that all differential pressure gauges on hydrant dispensers fitted with monitor elements must be fitted with a DP switch that is linked to the deadman and fuelling control system. The switch must be set at 22psi and it must be designed to stop the fuelling operation when a high differential pressure is detected.  It must also prevent the operator from easily resetting the system under the aircraft. The system must be installed so that the only way to reactivate the refuelling operation is to use a key or a similar mechanism.

There are a number of deadman systems, and also some dedicated filter Differential Pressure (DP) protection systems available in the market.  However, the DP protection systems which have been developed both monitor and correct the DP. The need for automatic DP correction is the subject of much debate, but it is universally accepted that the operator cannot consistently monitor the filter DP during the refuelling operation.  In the event of a water slug passing into the filter monitor elements, they will block very quickly, causing a rapid rise in the filter DP, with little or no warning.  When this occurs, it is very unlikely that the operator will be close enough to the DP Gauge to take action and shut the system down quickly.  Also, after a rise in filter DP the operator can ‘cheat’ the system and reduce the DP, by reducing the system flow rate.  This is a very dangerous situation because although the filter DP can be reduced in this manner, the elements themselves will still remain blocked and the risk of element rupture will remain.                                                           

Although filter DP switches are available, up until now there has been little consideration given to the system required to use the output from the DP Switch in the optimal manner.  Also, new vehicles can be fitted with a system relatively easily, but retro fit to existing vehicles on site is not so easy and if this task is carried out with insufficient consideration, it is possible that the final system may not be completely satisfactory.  It is also likely that there will be no standard operating mode, if there is a mix of converted and new vehicles at a location and this will lead to confusion among the operators.

We are pleased to announce that we have developed a system that fully complies with JIG Bulletin 58.  It is suitable for fitment to new dispensers during build or for retro-fit to existing hydrant dispensers. The Aljac system is a combined system, so it can either be used as a deadman, or as DP protection (which can be easily retro fitted alongside any existing deadman equipment), or a combined deadman and DP protection system.

For more information about our Deadman/Filter Differential Pressure Protection System, or a quotation, please contact our Sales Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , or call +44 (0) 1932 269869.


Capsule Catcher and Air Powered SWD

Aljac invented the Closed Circuit Sampler more than 30 years ago, and since then it has become the accepted standard for carrying out the ‘clear and bright’ test for aviation fuel quality. Many companies have copied it, but we are constantly working to maintain our position as the market leader.  We have continuously improved the design, and we have recently completed a cost reduction exercise and a review of the manufacturing processes.  The Aljac Sampler is now manufactured completely ‘In House’, and so we are now able to offer some great deals on this product.


We would also like to announce our latest Aljac Sampler developments:-


One of the problems with any Closed Circuit Sampler is that when the Shell Water Detector (SWD) test is performed, it is common for the SWD capsule to fall into the jar.  In order to remove it the operator has to dip his hand into the fuel, or just open the drain valve and allow the capsule to drain away with the fuel.  However, this can block the drain pipework and clearing the blockage can be difficult.  One solution is to fit a filter gauze inside the sampler, but this disturbs the vortex flow pattern which is so important when carrying out the visual inspection of the fuel.  Also, removing the filter gauze is inconvenient and could mean that the internals will not be cleaned regularly and the internal paint surface will become scratched.

Our Capsule Catcher fits inside the drain valve so it does not interfere with the correct operation and cleaning of the sampler, and the capsule will not pass through the Capsule Catcher in the event of it falling into the fuel.  The capsule can then be easily removed after draining the jar and without exposing the operator to the fuel sample.  The Capsule Catcher is now fitted as standard on all new Aljac 4 litre Samplers and can also be retro fitted to samplers which are already in service.


Since the introduction of the Aljac Sampler there have been various approaches to carrying out the Shell Water Detector (SWD) test, but there have been different problems associated with all of them.  The best SWD test is obtained when the capsule is immersed directly into the main fuel sample because there is then no issue with dead volumes and unrepresentative fuel properties.  It is also desirable to make the whole test more user friendly and reduce the consumption of syringes.  So we set out with these objectives in mind when we developed our Air Powered SWD. 

The Air Powered SWD consists of a graduated plastic tube which is permanently fixed to the sampler hinged lid, close coupled to a vacuum generator which creates a vacuum in the tube when air pressure is applied to the inlet connection, and this vacuum draws fuel through the SWD capsule.

Typical Installation Schematic Diagram.

 Air Pow SWD Schematic 

The Air Powered SWD offers you the following benefits:-






For further information, visit the Closed Circuit Sampling & Product Recovery section within the Products page of our website, or contact our Sales team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +44 (0) 1932 269869.

The Vulcan handover…

vulcan combinedVisitors to our website and readers of various aviation magazines will have heard of our work with the charity based organisation Vulcan To The Sky, the team behind maintaining the last Vulcan bomber jet. Aljac Fuelling Components Limited and one of our major distributors, Hammonds Technical Services, donated a mobile additive injector unit, designed to inject and mix the chemicals needed to create the expensive and highly sought after F34 fuel needed to power the Vulcan.

On May 15th Aljac representatives Paul Best and Andy Walton had the pleasure of handing over this equipment at Robin Hood Airport and seeing first hand how the additive injector will be put to good use. It is fantastic to think that this magnificent piece of British engineering will be here to stay for many more years to come.

The Vulcan jet will be on display to the general public and jet plane enthusiasts alike, from 9th to the 15th July 2012, at their regular exhibition area at Farnborough International Airshow 2012. This year, Aljac will be joining the Vulcan To The Sky team and we will be exhibiting a small range of our products, including additive injection equipment such as the Vulcan system.

Contact Aljac Fuelling Components Limited on 0044 (0) 1932 269869 or visit us at for your fuel handling needs and visit Vulcan To The Sky on www.vulcan to the or call 0044 (0) 845 5046 558 to keep the Vulcan flying. Visit Farnborough International Airshow 2012 official website on